I'm sitting here giving you a huge round of applause! Yes, it's all about choice!

We forget that we can always make another choice, go down a different path and if that doesn't work, turn left and try something else. This is not something I lived my entire life, but I wish I had.

While I'm still working the "responsible" job (can't wait to punch that in the nose someday), I'm spending time trying new things to see where they lead. Right now, I'm dating my ideas, not marrying them :)

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I love that, Patti! Yes, dating ideas, not marrying them. Kristi Keller wrote a great post (https://wildhoodwanted.substack.com/p/fostering-men-until-finding-forever-homes) about relationships and it's a great parallel.

There's too much pressure to pick "the one thing", which, like Andee said, 1. doesn't exist and 2. is usually created by a million tiny little things that happen now.

And I'm with you on still working the "responsible" job. Now that I'm committing to exploring new projects and ideas, it's less painful these days.

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Jul 11Liked by Jennifer Esposito

Let's all take a page from your book and date ideas haha

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Jul 10Liked by Jennifer Esposito

I love that analogy of dating your ideas rather than marrying them!

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SO MANY THINGS HERE. First, I love the reference to the push of "what do you want to do with the rest of your life," and the tie-in to humans seeking "the Holy Grail." I used to call it seeking "the one big thing." Meanwhile, that usually results in stagnancy, because the thing 1. doesn't exist and 2. is usually created by a million tiny little things that happen now and only now.

I also love the mention of the "two bad choices" the young person's mind gave them -- "wrong path" or "vast nothingness," as you WELL KNOW that people's brains do that. "I quit my job OR I become homeless." ... well. There are a thousand billion ga-jillion other realities or possibilities there! You are in the space to create ANYTHING! Everything!

Ohhh such good stuff. Extra love that you used the word "chutzpah."

Hope your readers leave INSPIRED!!!

PS: Thanks for the shoutout 🕺🏻

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Thank YOU, my friend! Yes, the things we let ourselves believe -- not stopping to ask, "Is it true? How do I know for sure this is true?" We're all storytellers. We tell ourselves stories all day long.

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This post absolutely shines and chimes with insight. How lucky that young person is to have you to guide them out of our culturally conditioned trap. I love this piece so very much.

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Thank you so much, Jan. That young person is now exploring a much more creative path than their previous one and I'm just absolutely thrilled!!!

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That must be so gratifying -- and deservedly so. We never know what difference we're going to make in someone else's life.

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Jul 11Liked by Jennifer Esposito

This is resonating so hard for me now. And yes, I totally feel the jealousy of that chance to switch early. Your young friend has no idea!

What do I want to do for the rest of my life? I want to make my corner of the universe cozy. That doesn't mean picking one thing and sticking to it. It means following the current

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That's fabulous, Tim.

You never know where the current will take you! 🌊

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Ahhh… the choices. I made so many wrong ones, wasting weeks, months and even years doing what I was supposed to do… believing that I was what I wanted. To the point I don’t even know what I want now. Trying to balance the hard fact that we all have only 24 hours per day with the guilt of not sticking long enough with one effing topic to be known for that/ reap the rewards/ or at least don’t want to throw myself through the window without any parachute. 🪂

You wrote another good masterpiece. Keep writing, you have a real talent for it.

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